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DIY Tips to Maximize the Efficiency of Your Air Conditioning System

At Allied Heating & Air Colorado, we’re committed to ensuring you enjoy a cool, comfortable home environment, especially during our sizzling summers. While we’re always ready to provide a licensed Air Conditioning Service, there are a few maintenance practices you can easily implement. Harness the power of DIY tips to optimize your AC system and contribute to its overall longevity.

Maintaining Filters: The most fundamental and arguably the most effective DIY measure you can execute is regular filter maintenance. Over time, filters can become clogged with dust and debris which not only reduces your AC’s efficiency, but also impacts your indoor air quality. A regular cleaning or replacement can combat this issue, and most homeowners will be able to manage this task themselves.

Dust Deterring: While we’re on the topic of dust, don’t forget about your AC’s indoor and outdoor units. Using either a household vacuum or cloth, ensure your units are dust-free to maximize airflow and efficiency.

Sealing Leaks: AC duck leaks are major contributors to an inefficient system. You can easily detect leaks by feeling for drafts around duct connections, or by hiring a professional for an AC R inspection. If you find a leak, a metal tape or duct sealant can usually do the trick – just be sure not to block any vents or ducts.

Checking Thermostat: Keeping an eye on your thermostat can help you operate your AC system more efficiently. During the summer months, setting your thermostat as high as comfortably possible can help you maximize energy savings. Consider investing in a programmable thermostat to automatically adjust temperatures while you’re out and saving your system unnecessary exertion.

Keep the Area Around Your AC Clear: Lastly, be sure the area around the indoor and outdoor units is free from clutter. This allows the AC system to draw in air efficiently without having to work overtime.

While these DIY tips can certainly go a long way in maintaining the efficiency of your AC, we strongly recommend scheduling a professional maintenance service at least once a year. A licensed service technician can delve deeper into the inner workings of your unit, ensuring its lifespan is maximized to the full extent.

At Allied Heating & Air, we’re not only ready to handle repairs and routine check-ups but are also here to offer advice, guidance, and essential tips for maintaining your AC system. Whether you need a question answered, or need a professional’s touch, don’t hesitate to contact us today.